
AICDC was founded over 30 years ago to provide better support to American Indians on the streets and in shelters.

Our Legacy


In 1991 the American Indian Task Force on Housing and Homelessness was formed to focus on providing a better level of support and assistance to American Indians on the streets and in shelters.

Recognizing the scope of homeless among Native people (10% at the time) the American Indian Taskforce members formed the American Indian Housing Corporation in 1992, now known as American Indian Community Development Corporation (AICDC.)

AICDC is dedicated to providing culturally specific housing and supportive services to American Indians in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. AICDC understands the special needs of American Indians and creates unique programs and projects that prepare the community's most vulnerable people to find and maintain safe and secure housing.

Anishinabe Wakiagun (“The People's Home” in Ojibwe) was the first AICDC housing development project. Wakiagun was launched in 1993 and is an example of our efforts to find creative ways to fill serious gaps in existing services.

Let’s Work Together


You can be a part of our mission. Work with us, or support our work with your donation.